profit center 能創造利潤的部門。
能創造利潤的部門。 “profit“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.〔常 pl. 〕贏余,利潤,賺頭 (opp. ...“center“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.中心;中心點;圓心;中央;中樞,核心;中心人物 ...“marketing profit center“ 中文翻譯: 銷售利潤中心“profit center measurement system“ 中文翻譯: 中心評價體系“a profit“ 中文翻譯: 獲利、賺錢“at a profit“ 中文翻譯: 獲利、賺錢; 以獲利為結果; 賺錢, 獲利; 賺錢,獲利“in profit“ 中文翻譯: 在產乳期的“not-for-profit“ 中文翻譯: 非營利; 營利性“profit“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.〔常 pl. 〕贏余,利潤,賺頭 (opp. loss); 利潤率。 2.〔常 pl.〕紅利。 3.得益,益處。 gross profit(s) 總利潤,毛利。 clear [net] profit 純利潤,凈利。 at a profit 獲利,賺錢。 in profit 〔英方,澳〕(乳牛)在產乳期。 make a profit on 在…上頭賺錢。 make one's profit of 利用,使對自己有利。 reap profits at the expense of others 損人利己。 small profits and quick returns 薄利多銷。 to one's profit =with profit 有益。 vt. 有利于,有益于。 What will it profit me 對我有什么好處呢? vi. 得益;獲利,賺錢;利用 (by from of) 有用。 You may profit by the experience of others. 你可以吸取別人的經驗教訓。 I profited by his confusion to make my escape. 我趁他忙亂的時候逃走了。 “profit by“ 中文翻譯: 從……中得到益處“center“ 中文翻譯: n.,vt.,vi. 〔美國〕=centre. n. 1.中心;中心點;圓心;中央;中樞,核心;中心人物;根源,起源。 2.〔常C-〕(政治上的)中間派。 3.(足球等的)中鋒;(軍隊、舞臺等的)中央部分。 4.【建筑】假框,拱架。 5.【機械工程】承軸;頂尖,頂針。 6.〔pl.〕中心距。 recruiting centers 征兵站。 cultural centers 文化館。 center field【棒球】中外壘。 center forward 【曲棍球等】中鋒中衛。 center of attraction 引力中心;惹眼的東西,有名的東西;注意力的中心,(一個場所的)中心人物。 centerof gravity 重心。 center of motion 動心。 vt. 1.把…集中,使聚集于一點 (in, at, on, round, about)。 2.把…置于中部。 3.定…的中心;矯正(透鏡等的)中心。 4.(足球等)傳(球)給中鋒。 vi. 1.居中。 2.有中心;做中鋒。 adj. -less 無中心的。 adj. -most 在正中心的。 “center in“ 中文翻譯: 以...為主題“center on“ 中文翻譯: 以…為主題; 以…為中心,集中于…“in the center of“ 中文翻譯: 在中心; 在中間“it center“ 中文翻譯: 二面經歷“on center“ 中文翻譯: 中心距“s center“ 中文翻譯: 克羅內克爾中樞“the center“ 中文翻譯: 中環中心; 中中心“to center“ 中文翻譯: 找中心“conversion of profit into average profit“ 中文翻譯: 利潤到平均利潤的轉化“excessive profit; windfall profit“ 中文翻譯: 暴利“profit and profit theory“ 中文翻譯: 利潤和利潤理論“profit on operation,operation profit“ 中文翻譯: 營業利益“total profit=sale profit“ 中文翻譯: 利潤總額“undivided profit; undistributed profit“ 中文翻譯: 未分利益
profit margin |
Finally , clg as the main benefit and development body locally have to become the umpire , coach , team leader and athlete of the local enterprises and form the mutual benefit relationship similar to the super enterprise groups . clg then will be at the board of directors and management “ level while the local enterprises act as the main operation body and profit center of the enterprise groups 最后,作為地方利益主體與發展主體的地方政府,必須成為本地企業的“裁判員” 、 “教練員”和“領隊” ,與本地企業形成類似于超級企業集團的利益關系,地方政府成為董事層取l管理層,本地企業則成為超級企業集團的經營主體和利潤中心。 |
Especially prominent is : the postal service enterprise specially was the county ( city ) the bureau , did for the profit center , the benefit center original salary system already cannot promote the organization to transform after the postal service to the talented person the attraction , even already became the enterprise to develop the serious barrier , therefore the postal service system salary system reform already was imminent 同時薪酬制度的設計和實施,已成為企業人力資源開發中的關鍵工作。科學的薪酬制度,恰似企業發展的推進器,能吸引和留住優秀員工、加強對員工的激勵、提高員工滿意度、推動企業績效。但在實踐中,卻暴露出較多的問題。 |
But being influenced by planning economy for many years , there are still many defects in financial management . for example , financial system is still the model of concentrating money into company “ s headquarters , the headquarters is profit center , and the subordinated company is cost center . the function of financial management is not divided from function of accounting 內蒙古電力于1998年由政企不分的企業局改制為國有獨資的有限責任公司,實現了應用財務管理職能的前提,但因長期受計劃經濟的影響,財務管理體制仍沒有脫離高度集中、統收統支的模式,成本核算與利潤核算分屬于不同的主體,公司總部相當于利潤中心,所屬單位相當于成本中心;財務管理職能沒有完全從會計職能中分離出來,仍以核算為主。 |
It formed a management mode , the content of this mode is that the branches of huaxing changsha construction bank and the head office are all in charge of operating , while the head office is responsible for the management , which is a kind of client - sector mode of customer management . it established an achievements assess system which is comprehensive profits centered and combined quality and quantity . it also established a series of achievement assess system 其主要特點有:長沙華興建行設立了直接面向客戶的營銷管理部門? ?公司業務部,形成了二級經營、一級管理的客戶部型的客戶經理制的組織管理模式;建立了以綜合模擬利潤為核心、定量和定性相結合的業績考核體系以及待遇與考核情況掛鉤的一系列激勵制度等。 |
Of course , there are n ' t no barriers when adopting the transfer pricing strategy , such as the barriers from the respective profit centers of the transnational corporation , objections from the overseas co - investors , restrictions from the government of the host country , differences of economic environment of various countries . all these to some extent have limit influences on the transfer pricing 當然,跨國公司在運用轉移定價策略時并非毫無障礙,它也會遇到各種限制因素,例如來自跨國企業集團內部各利潤中心的阻礙,來自海外合資者的反對,來自東道國政府的限制,再加上各國經濟環境的差異,這些在一定程度上都起到了制約轉移定價的作用。 |
There are 130 units in the company , each structured as a self - contained profit center , run by an entrepreneur who is very good at his particular line of business . li & fung provides the infrastructure , facilities and other forms of support such as it , hr , administration and finance 公司有一百三十個單位,各自組成盈利中心,由不同的企業家管理他們善長的范疇,利豐則提供各項基本建設、設施以及其他方面的支援,如資訊科技、人力資源、行政管理及經濟財務。 |
This slide presentation provides an overview of business planning and risk management , including such topics as the benefits of planning , the planning environment , key questions for business , business activities , elements of the business plan , risk management , and profit centers 此幻燈片提供了經營計劃和風險管理的全面概括,所?內容包括計劃的好處計劃環境有關經營的關鍵問題經營行動經營計劃的組成部分風險管理及利潤中心 |
Part four : structure to cost management system . considering the development background of our company , when company converted from cost center to profit center , we still followed former cost control system and performance standards , and these conditions brought the losses 結合我公司的發展背景,我認為發生虧損主要是因為公司在由成本中心體制轉向利潤中心體制后,成本控制制度和績效標準仍沿襲以前的做法引起的。 |
The environmental law institute ( eli ) is an independent active , non - profit center conducting policy studies on the environment and sustainablity and reaching out with educational programs , publications , and technical assistance across the us and abroad 描述:美國環境法律學會( eli )是獨立的非盈利機構,從事環境和可持續發展的政策研究,同時也開展教育計劃、出版刊物、技術援助,工作范圍包括美國以及海外。 |
Responsible for the creation , deelopment and implementation the marketing strategies and plans designed to increase the zzicec s usage , the revenue generated from this rages and the profit centers associated therewith , i . e . event services , foos and beverage , etc 負責制定、發展和執行營銷策略和計劃,提高鄭州國際會展中心各展廳的使用率,并從中獲得收益。 |
The centers in a decentralized organization consist of investment centers , profit centers , and cost centers , each of which defines a particular area of responsibility in an organization 分權制企業的責任中心包括投資中心、利潤中心和成本中心,在企業內部,對每個中心都規定了特定的責任范圍。 |
So in this part , i bend myself to making up a cost management system to fit for the profit center system . part five : support to make decisions and design to cost control system 文中把實際的成本中心-各項目團隊,視做虛擬利潤中心,按利潤預算管理的內容,調整了公司的成本控制制度。 |
By contrast to a cost center , a profit center has control over both cost and revenue and it would be concerned with market ? ing its goods as well as producing them 與成本中心不同,利潤中心能隨時控制成本和收入,它不僅要關注生產,而且要關注產品的推銷。 |
Profit centers are evaluated by means of contribution income statements in terms of meeting sales and cost objectives 讀一利潤中心,則應憑借貢獻收益表,按照實現銷售和成本目標的情況進行評價。 |
So the chains generally buy the drug for less than medicare reimburses , making the drug a profit center 這樣一來,中心購入藥物的價格低于醫療保障的償付,使該藥物成為利潤的制造中心。 |
This part introduces and evaluates the profit center theory and iso 10015 criterion 對近期出現的利潤中心理念和iso10015企業培訓質量管理標準進行介紹和評價。 |
Internal auditing department : cost center or profit center 內部審計部門:成本中心抑或利潤中心 |
Analyzing a profit center : cow calf production 分析利潤中心:母牛 |
Part 4 - analzing a profit center - engch 分析利潤中心:母牛-犢牛生產 |